Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Stolen Money

One day, Sara and Lucy were playing in the park. It was a very sunny day and they were having a picnic. Suddenly, they could hear the sound of footsteps. They turned around and saw a mysterious looking man. In his hand a large bag that was bulging with money. He was looking cautiously around him to see if anyone could see what he was doing. Then, he quickly shoved the bag under an evergreen bush and crept away. When he was gone Lucy and Sara went up to the bush and checked the bag. Before they could fully open it,money came pouring out. They guessed it was stolen and brought it straight to the Garda Station. The Garda checked the cereal number and said it was stolen for a long time. They also said that the man was a robber everyone wanted to catch.They gave the girls a reward of €100 each and thanked them for finding the money.
                                                          THE END

                                              By Lara O'Brien.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


            All octopuses have a head called a mantle surrounded by 8 arms called tentacles. All vital organs are located in their head. Their colour and size are determined by their environment. Those that live in colder water are much larger then those that live in warm tropical water. The beak is the only structure in its body. Its beak is like a parrot beak. They use it for eating. An octopus has three hearts.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Christmas play

At our Christmas play all the classes put on a lovely show. It was really fun. We did the true story of the three little pigs. It was about a wolf trying to get sugar for his Granny's birthday cake. We sang walking in a winter wonder land. We read a nice poem. Finally we sang we wish you a merry Christmas. The End!

By: Isabelle. 

The Whooper Swan

The Whooper swan was at Rhinn bridge for a few days. The whooper swan was really sick. It flew into a electricity pole and it's neck was bent down.The rescue people came down my field with the whooper swan.He said the swan was very hungry and it is really small for a whooper swan. If they didn't rescue the whooper swan it would have died.We are so glad that the swan is rescued.

This is an example of what a whooper swan looks like.

By: Josie Fallon 


2nd class had a lesson in gymnastics last month in February. The team that came was called The Cougars.We brought in 2 euro in to fundraise for their trip to America for a cheerleading competition. There were 3 stations:          
  1  : there was a boulder, it is a big roller thing that we rested our stomach on 
                    it and  it rocked back and forth on it.                    
 2 : there was a beam , a long  step and we did loads of different jumps off it.
 3:  there was a roll mat , a triangle -shaped  mat that we tumbled on.
We all had a great day!!

By Ella.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Bug Hotel

The bug hotel is a home for many bugs and insects 
It is really cool because you get to see lots of bugs there.
We made the bug hotel out of logs for the green schools committee.
We went on the 3/2/14  in 2nd class.

By Katelyn.

When we went to the bug hotel we saw lots of bugs. There were worms, snails, slugs, centipedes and flies. They were in the bug hotel.It is made of wood. It keeps the bugs warm and the bugs love it. It is a great place for the bugs and they are warm.

By Aoibhe.

Monday the 3rd of February, we went to the bug hotel which is a load of logs. Our class went out to see it. We saw bugs, spiders, worms and earth worms. It was the greatest trip ever!

By Tiernan

We went to the bug hotel. We had great fun.We saw worms,spiders,slugs and centipedes.We got to look at them all.

By Caleb.

2nd class went on a trip to the bug hotel. Although it was damaged from the rain, we still saw lots of insects.A giant earthworm about 11cm long was hiding between the logs. We saw a centipede was in the bark. We also saw the tiniest spider with a tiny web. There was even a slug sliding down a rock. Ms. Cooney took lots of pictures of them.

By Lara.

Our  school  has a bug hotel .There is a lot of fascinating creepy crawlies like earthworms ,woodlouse 
and  spiders. Our  bug  hotel  is made out of  old logs and  pieces 
of  bark  piled  together  so  there is loads of tunnels  for  them  to hide in.

by Ella.

The bug hotel is like a hotel little hotel for loads of bugs. It is made of  loads of big logs.There are loads of cool bugs like worms ,spiders and all sorts of cool bugs.

By Isabelle Birkett.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some Pictures from Our Trip to the Bug Hotel!

Our Local Turlough

Rahasane Turlough is the name given to the largest surviving Turlough in Ireland. It is down the road from K.N.S. It is situated on the Dunkelin river, west of Craughwell. It consists of two basins which are connected  at times of flood but separate as the waters drain away. In summer the lake empties and the basins are grazed by cattle, horses and sheep.

What is the Turlough?

  • A turlough is a disappearing lake. 
  • It is mostly found in limestone places in Ireland west of the river Shannon. 
  • The name comes from the Irish words 'Tuar' meaning dry and 'Lough' meaning lake.
  •  They are almost unique to Ireland. 
  • The turloughs usually flood in autumn and they usually dry out between April and July when the weather is dry. 
Rahasane Turlough:

  •  Is a karst (exposed limestone) lake. 
  • There is no surface outlet and it is surrounded on all sides by rising land.
  • Most of the Turlough is open, flat and grassy land with large rocks scattered around the floor. 
  • It has an active swallow hole system. Some swallow holes can reach 5 meters in diameter and are 2-3 meters deep. 
  • Rahasane Turlough covers 257 hectares.

Wildlife in the Turlough:
Is famous for the wintering wildlife populations. Which include....

  • Whooper and Bewicks swans.
  • Greenland, white fronted geese.
  • Mallard ducks.
  • Black terns.
  • Lapwing .
  • Redshank.
  • Snipe.
  • Dunlin.

Rahasane is important to Europe:

  • Rahasane Turlough is a special area of conservation under the habitats directive which is an important European Law that protects vulnerable wildlife which includes animals and plant species.
  • The Irish government is obliged to protect and maintain the environment in and around the Turlough.
  • It implements laws and enforces regulations to ensure the ecological integrity of the site. 

By Tiernan.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Were're learning about Picasso.
He was born in Malaga, Spain on the 25 October 1881 and he died on the 8 April 1973 aged 91.
Picasso was an artist.
He was very wacky and very inspiring.
He normally does portraits e.g. this is the portrait of Dora Mar.
By: Ella Wilkinson

Monday, January 13, 2014

Trip to Rahasane Turlough

Second class recently went on trip to Rahasane Turlough with Mrs. Kelleher’s third and fourth class. The day started off with second class going in to Mrs Kelleher’s room to listen to the bird expert Susan who talked the class through what the different birds where called, where they live, what they eat, what they look like and lastly the sounds the birds make. Susan showed the class a presentation on all this information and told the class to especially look out for Curlew’s and Godwits while at the Turlough. As well as getting the class to do puzzles on this new information on birds that they had learnt. Next the class got prepared to go to the Turlough to do this they put on their wellies, coats and high visibility jackets and were paired up in two’s before making their way out of the classroom. The class walked from the school to the Turlough in pairs of twos quietly so as to not scare the birds and wildlife away. While at the Turlough everyone waited patiently for their turn to look through Susan’s telescope to get a closer look at the birds that were far away. They got to see Curlew’s, Godwits, and whooper swans to just name a few. When the class were finished exploring the Turlough they walked back to the school. All of the students enjoyed the day in the Turlough as they got to learn interesting facts about the birds and wildlife of the Turlough. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014